AmigaActive (613/2143)

From:Richard Lane
Date:7 May 2000 at 16:16:48
Subject:Re: Urgent Help - New monitor advice needed

Hello Simon

On 07-May-00, Simon Preston wrote:

>> instructions and even explained what the small switch at the end that the
>> monitor goes into is for, any idea?
> I don't know as I don't have a Scandoubler/Flixer.

I've emailed Power Computing, so I should have a reply in the next few days.
I'd hat to mess anything up.

>> I'm having great fun with this atm. PAL and NTSC modes work fine, but I'm
>> not able to display doublePAL or DoubleNTSC as these are being doubled and
>> my monitor displays a nice out-of-range message. IIRC I'd need to just use
>> one of the VGA adaptor plugs instead of the Scandoubler to use these.
> I didn't think DblPAL or DblNTSC would work. Have you tried Multiscan? Just
> put Multiscan in your Devs:Monitors drawer along with VGAOnly. You'll find
> them in SYS:Storage/Monitors. I know that sounds obvious but its possible
> you may not know.

I didn't know that thanks so I gave it a go. TBH I can't get anything that
even looks half decent. it's either a very odd resolution or flickers like

I guess the next item has to be a tower, busboard and graphics card, but
that'll have to wait.

>> You're not wrong there it's fantastic.
> What did I say? :) Much nicer on the eyes. Try going back to a TV for a
> day! No - an hour!!

No thanks. :)

Though I wish I'd remembered to buy a set of speakers when I was in town
yesterday, as I'd been using the ones built-in to the 1084. :)

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

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